Sunday, 10 May 2015

Watches Banned in Exams #vmvwiki #WearableTech

Watches have been banned in exams at Massey University due to the adoption of smart-watches.

All watches have been banned, as some smart-watches are designed to look like normal analogue watches. Smart-watches which can connect to the Internet could allow students to cheat in exams.

It will be interesting to see whether this catches on at other institutions, and sheds light on the challenges wearable technology will bring in the future.

Student of Adobe Connect #vmvwiki

Student of Adobe Connect #vmvwiki 


1)      Easy and quick remote problem solving by the teacher

2)      Access given to students not onsite in Taradale

3)      Experience positive digital learning

4)      Enhance extramural study

5)      Can give and ask for feedback straight away.

6)      Teacher is able to monitor student's activates and assess them individually


7)      Limited access to digital resources

8)      Audio hard to clearly hear at times

9)      Technical setup can be timely

10)   Vulnerable to atmospheric interruptions

11)   Some key parts of the lesson can be lost through delivery


12)   Enhances remote learning and teaching

13)   Can simplify teaching and learning if used appropriately

14)   More access into other subject areas should be explored

15)   Skype classrooms should be investigated


16)   Technological delivery can be duplicated easily

17)   Audio pick up could be costly to clarify

18)   Dependent on internet access


What are some of the considerations when using this technology for learning?

ü  Get into a quiet space away from distraction

ü  Be prepared before class is scheduled, deal with everything so you don't have to leave the lecture.

ü  Bring snacks and hydration

ü  Use an USB port headphones to optimize audio you need them.

List any problems you foresee and suggest possible solutions.

Ø  No audio – Check all plugs on your end and inform tutor you are unable to hear could be on the other side, remember to be patience.

Ø  No sound in recording – This is never a happy time, but should be expected to occur due to the delivery is a new technology.

Ø  No access to classroom – Could be down on the tutor side so no access can be granted, contact tutor straight away.


Saturday, 2 May 2015


Let's put an end to this low-contrast, light gray nonsense and use typography for its purpose.